Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Nose Job

A beautiful face starts with the nose. Having an aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical nose is paramount to other facial features because it is the focal point of the face. Many people are unhappy with their noses but don’t do anything about it because they are afraid of surgery. Those people should consider a non-surgical nose job, a simple procedure that produces amazing results, with almost no patient downtime.

Non-surgical nose jobs use permanent fillers to fix any imperfections in the nose. Common fixes include filling in defects, reshaping and projecting the tip, and reversing any asymmetries. The procedure is permanent.

It Won’t Take More Than 20 Minutes!

The entire process is quick and painless. It starts with you sending Dr. Levine frontal and two side view pictures of your face to determine if your problem can be fixed with this procedure. If so, then a 20 minute procedure with Dr. Levine would follow (no aspirin or NSAIDS for two weeks before the procedure). Once in the office, Dr. Levine will take pictures before settling you comfortably in the exam chair. Anesthesia is usually not required. The nose is cleaned with alcohol. The areas to be injected are assessed and then injected using a micro droplet technique. This technique keeps the dermal filler exactly under the skin in its correct placement.

Recovery Process

There are no restrictions once the procedure is complete; patients can comfortably live their normal lives. Expect minor bruising and swelling. The appearance of the nose will continue to improve over the course of a month as tissue will build around the effected area, adding further support and symmetry. Some defects may need more than one session which would be assessed one month later in the office. Further improvements can occur at that time if we agree it necessary.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Photo Gallery

Surgical & Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Photo Gallery